Why Sustainable Agriculture?

Why Sustainable Agriculture?
Sustainable agriculture; is to ensure the right of future generations to access healthy, safe and adequate food while protecting the soil and crops with the least possible interference.
Agricultural activities in sustainable agriculture start with soil analysis and crop nutrition plan appropriate for it, all employees/farmers are provided with theoretical and practical training, crop protection products are used in pest control only when critical thresholds are passed and after other physical and biological controls are already tried. Tillage is recorded to prevent soil degradation and avoid excess carbon emissions. By trying to develop the financial literacy skills of all employees/farmers, it is ensured that they understand the balance of income-expenditure, yield-loss in the garden. As a result of fulfilling all requirements, consumers and customers reach healthy and safe food in an accessible way, while soil health and the welfare of the farmer are protected.
It is estimated that the world population, which has crossed the 8 billion threshold, will exceed 9.7 billion in 2050. In order to feed this population, there must be an increase of 60-70% in food production. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, 58% more food can be produced with sustainable soil management.
Increasing and urbanizing population, increasing average farmer age, loss of agricultural lands, polluted natural resources, drought, climate change, biodiversity loss, epidemics show that it is vital that we protect our existing natural resources and produce more efficient food per unit area. Agriculture and agro-based industry are not only one of the most important causes of climate change, which is the most important issue affecting the economy, social life, environment and health, but also the sectors that are most affected by this issue.